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Nikai    Air Fryer 0
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Rs 35,000

Nikai Air Fryer

Peoples Colony, Gujranwala
2 weeks ago
Is DeliverableNo
phone number :(View phone number) Air fryers use hot air circulation to cook food, creating a crispy texture. They can be used for many things, including: Cooking salmon: Air fryers heat up quickly and cook salmon evenly and quickly. Cooking brats: Air fryers can cook brats in 15 minutes or less, so they're a good option if you don't have a grill. Cooking broccoli: Air fryers can cook broccoli with minimal oil, resulting in a tender and crisp side dish. Roasting pecans: Air fryers can roast pecans with store-bought or homemade seasoning. Cooking carrots: Air fryers cook carrots with hot air circulation, which allows excess fat to drain off. This results in healthier carrots than sauteed or baked carrots, and they cook faster. Cooking plantains: Air fryers cook plantains, which can be served as a snack, dessert, or side dish. Cooking taquitos: Air fryers can cook taquitos quickly and effectively, resulting in a crunchy taste in half the time as an oven
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