Shaheen Insurance Company

Auto financing insurance is covered for individuals and businesses alike.

Comprehensive Insurance Plan

For Private Vehicles

Comprehensive coverage against accidents, external fire, explosion, house-breaking and theft, malicious acts, riots and strikes, floods or other natural calamities are covered.

For Commercial Vehicles

Vehicles used for businesses if they are involved in an accident, external fire, malicious acts, natural calamities, riots or strikes are covered.

For Third-Party Liability

Third-party bodily injury, and property damage are covered to pay compensation to community members injured or dead.

Car Insurance Calculator

Rs 69.99 Lacs

Required Documents

Completion of motor vehicle claim form
Ownership form
Copy of CNIC


The person covered under this policy is protected globally
Minimum age: 18 years
Maximum age: 65 years

Benefits of Car Insurance

Legal Fees Covered

A car insurance protects you from legal fees that you may incur in case of an accident.

Coverage Against Theft

In case your car is stolen, the insurance company provides you with compensation.

Personal Accident Cover

In case of a car accident, the insurance policy covers everything from medicines to hospital bills for you and your family.

Protection Against third-party Liabilities

Car Insurance provides protection against third-party liabilities such as damages to other vehicles or injuries of third-party involved.

Covers repair costs

All types of car insurance packages cover repair costs incurred in case of accidents, riots, fire or explosions, etc.

Helps You Stay Legally Compliant

Car Insurance protects you from any fines, charges, or punishments imposed by the law in case of any accidents.

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