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Bowling Machine / Cricket Bowling Machine / Automatic Bowling Machine 0
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Rs 360,000

Bowling Machine / Cricket Bowling Machine / Automatic Bowling Machine

Others, Jhelum
4 weeks ago
{welcome to Speedster} We are dealing with 4 kinds of Cricket Bowling Machines. hr machine ki vidoeo humary youtube m availabe hai, link k liy whatsapp py rabta kry 031/25/04/55/95 >;;;;;We deliver machines all over Pakistan. 1 Speedster Mini: RS. 65,000 105 kmph >;;;;;We deliver machines all over Pakistan. 2 Speedster Mini Pro: RS. 100,000 120 kmph >;;;;;We deliver machines all over Pakistan. 3 Speedster Pro: RS. 185,000 170 kmph >;;;;;We deliver machines all over Pakistan. 4 Speedster Bola: RS. 360,000 / 420,000 complete Package 170 kmph 5(Speedster Simulator: RS. 700,000 complete Package 105 kmph) Kindly contact Whatsapp for more details. 031/25/04/55/95 FACEBOOK; Speedster Cricket Academy WEBSITE; speedstersport YOUTUBE; AltafAhmadSpeedsterCricketer
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